I would like to donate

HK$ 720

The upper limit of online donation for China UnionPay card is HK$10,000. China UnionPay cardholders may consider other donation methods or contact our Supporter Services Department directly at +852 3405 5305.

Girls Fund Monthly Donation

Let’s support Girls Fund and make the world a better place for underprivileged girls!

With your monthly HK$120 donation (only HK$4 daily) to Girls Fund, community programmes can be launched to identify and respond to the barriers girls face. It is only through giving girls equal rights that they can fully develop their potential and live life to the fullest. You may also choose to make one-off donation.

*For monthly donation, first credit card transaction will be made immediately, subsequent transactions will be processed on or around the 15th of each month (starting from next month).

*If you choose to be monthly donor, please be noted that the donation will be automatically deducted from your credit card every month.

Through our work, girls can LEARN in an enabling environment (receive education and acquire the skills they need to succeed in life and work), LEAD (have the power to take action on issues that matter to them), DECIDE (have control over their own lives and bodies) and THRIVE (grow up cared for and free from violence and fear).

Your donation will be used directly to support the programmes that help disadvantaged girls and their families improve their lives and escape from poverty.

Other Donation Method:

  • AlipayHK
    Please scan the below QR code to make monthly donation.

Donate to Girls Fund for a year, you can help support some of the projects below :

  • Support 2 girls' education for 7 months
  • Provide 1-week self-defense training for girls to protect themselves
  • Provide vocational training for 13 girls
  • Provide trainings and awareness education to 31 people (including teenagers and their parents, community leaders, village chiefs, teachers and health workers) on the positive impacts of delayed marriage and how to prevent teenage pregnancy
  • Provide advocacy meetings to 2 villagers and let them learn the risk of FGM and take further actions to abandon the practice
  • Provide hygiene kits and reusable sanitary pads workshops for 3 girls. You can also help establish menstrual-friendly rooms in school, in which they have a bed, handwashing facility, a rubbish bin and reproductive health posters to get rest during menstruation and learn about this physiological phenomenon

Act now and donate to Girls Fund to secure girls’ rights, raise girls’ self-esteem and empower them to bring a positive impact to their families and communities.

Allocation of donations

Plan International will allocate donations for designated projects in accordance with the donor’s intent. However, when the designated project is fully funded, additional donations will be used where needed most for more efficient use of resources without prior notice.